
Classroom News and Graded Work

Happy Weekend! I stopped by real quick today to show you how I manage graded work and keeping the parents up to date on what's happening in the classroom. At our school we have Tuesday folders because that is the day we are supposed to send home any flyers the school hands out. So to coincide with that, I send home graded work as well. I only do this bi-weekly because it is much easier to manage. I use a mailbox to sort my graded work throughout the two weeks.

Every other Tuesday, I take the graded work from each child's slot and attach a newsletter that includes news on what we are learning and important dates. I also circle the child's work habits and behavior score. (Sometimes, if needed, I will add a note regarding that specific child.) Here is a pic of the one I sent home this past week. 

The kids bring this home and parents are supposed sign the newsletter and send only that sheet back in the Tuesday folder. I've had parents tell me they love this system because they get to see what is happening in class, not only by what I state in the newsletter, but also through their child's work. After the top sheet is returned, I check off that I received it and file it away in the individual student files. I am sharing an editable version of the newsletter so if you'd like it, click on the picture below. (You will need PowerPoint to add the news section. I used Kristen ITC font which is on most computers.) 

Hope this was helpful to someone. Have a great weekend!

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