
Meet the Teacher Night

Whew! What a crazy first week back for teachers! My school admin rocks and let us spend most of our time in the rooms working. Love them! I am very exhausted but can't shut my brain off. Thursday was our meet the teacher night. We call it Meat and Greet because we serve hamburgers and hot dogs. I had heard sweet things about some of my kiddos for this year so was looking forward to meeting them. This is the only open house we have as a school and it is very informal. There is no presentation in my class since families pop in at various times between 6-8. My set up was very simple this year. I didn't want it to be overwhelming for the families or myself. When the families walk in, they sign in, fill in their child's form of transportation and pick a day that is best for conferences. 

While the parents were signing in and filling out the forms, I talked with the kids and had them pick out some books to take home. They were leveled readers that I no longer use and figured they would be great to send home. (Forgot to take a pic of it.) After chatting with the families a bit, I gave them a packet with my parent handbook, supply list, the first book order, our district's attendance policy and my contact info card which is magnetic.

My teammate was going to send home book orders that night and I thought it was a great idea! Sometimes I wonder if the parents ever see them and this was a great way to make sure they do. I typed up a little letter to attach to it. If you'd like it, just click on the picture. You just need to fill in the code for your classroom and sign your name. 

Once they were getting ready to leave, I gave them a bag of popcorn with the label Thanks for Poppin In!. My hope is that they go home and talk about the night while having a little treat. 

Some of the kids took a look around the room but there was nothing on the student desks yet. They will be choosing their seat on the first day. This is the first time I have let them do that so we will see. (Am I crazy?) Of course I am totally ready to move them around when needed and will be making sure they know that!

That's about it for meet the teacher night. We are really blessed that Friday and Monday are work days because now I can just focus on planning with my team before school starts on Tuesday. 

Have a great weekend!

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