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A Fresh Start

I started blogging back in 2011. I stopped almost a year ago for several reasons that I won't bore you with now. When I visited my blog this summer, I found that my blog background had disappeared. I decided to start blogging again and redo my blog design which is still a work in progress. I took down all my blog posts because I feel like I need a fresh start and because I've learned a few things that I should have been doing all along. So here I go!

A Little About My
Teaching Career

I am going into my 12th year of teaching and all have been in 3rd grade. I did my student teaching in 2nd and never wanted to teach 3rd because it's a testing grade. Well I fell in love and have never left! I just love how independent they are becoming at this age and still have the love for learning. I am a National Board Certified teacher and have been team leader for the past 7 years. I work at a Title 1 school with some amazing people and can't wait to start another year with them.

A New Year

I officially go back to work next Tuesday for 4 teacher work days. I will however be meeting with my team and principal tomorrow for some collaboration and room prep time. I will come back and post some pics of the progress I make. I really want to get most of the set up done before I go back officially so I can focus on planning and collaborating with my team. It's exciting to start a new year but I will miss relaxing and getting up with the sun instead of an alarm. If school could start at 10am I would be one happy girl!

This summer I read Whole Brain Teaching for Challenging Kids by Chris Biffle. My classroom management system has been based on the Responsive Classroom approach but I will be adding some of the WBT approach into the mix. I am using some of the rules from WBT so I created posters to display them. If you'd like them just click on the picture.

Thanks for reading and I hope you come back often to share this next year with me!

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