
Flexible Seating- Brainstorming

Now that the 4th of July is over, it's getting a little closer to back to school for me. At the end of the year we have to put all of our movable furniture in the middle of the room. So I went in today to start the process of making my room flexible seating friendly.

This is the first year I will be doing flexible seating and am ready for the challenge. Thankfully I have a couple of people at my school that are also trying it out so we'll learn together! 

My goal today was to move furniture. First I set up my small group table with these stools from 5 Below. They seem sturdy but I will be enforcing strict rules on how to use them. This table will also be an option for students to work at throughout the day. (I just need to figure out an easy way of taking off those darn stickers on the top of the stools.)

Then I set up this round table that the custodian so nicely put in my room after I inquired about it. I also got the canvas chairs from 5 Below. 

I had my computers on top of a big rectangular table so I moved the computers onto student desks. The table is quite large but for now will be my floor table after I remove the legs. I set up 3 desks to create a space for kids that just want a regular student desk and chair. I'm thinking of making it a group of 4 but that will take up more space. I am planning on raising the desks in the front of the this picture to create a standing table. However I'm hoping to find another smaller rectangular table. 

So that's where I'm at in my flexible seating brainstorming. I am also planning on having kids choose to work on the floor and all that is needed is a clipboard or some type of lap desk. I hope I gave you some ideas for your classroom! I'd love to hear what you're doing if you're doing flexible seating.


  1. I love your ideas! I've never considered using camp chairs at a table, think I'll try that out. I have used flexible seating for the past two years and love it! I used bed risers to create a standing table this year and they worked great!

    1. I've only heard good things and can't wait to try it!

  2. Great ideas! I like how practical they are- it looks like I could implement some of these ideas without going out and spending tons of $$$. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Love the ideas you have for flexible seating. I see so many people doing it and it seems to work really well!

    Team J's Second Grade Fun

  4. Great post! I got some cute animal camp chairs at the local grocery store. Kids just used them to sit in and read but I like how you have different chairs set up at different seating areas around the room. I've got several types of to just set it up in a useful way!! Thanks!!! Jennifer Practical Primary Teacher

    1. You're welcome! Kids love camping chairs. Can't wait to see how you set it up!

  5. I'm so excited to try out some of these ideas! What's so funny is that our school (inner city) has a shortage of chairs! Last year, I had to use Donors Choose to get more. Now I've got some new alternatives to try out :) Thanks! Jen

    1. That's what I like about Flexible Seating. You can have spots for everyone and don't need to scrounge up new seats for the new Kids.

  6. Great way to get started! I have the same stools from Ikea. Have you thought about using bathmats for kids working on the floor? - Lisa

    1. I have thought about using bath mats but I want something that is easy to wipe and because of lice issues I want something with plastic type material.

  7. Hi Marlene! This is a great start. I just started flexible seating after spring break last year and love it! Now I'm trying to figure out how to start it at the beginning of the year. I love the camping chairs. I don't have a Five Below by me though. Good luck with the process.
    Our Elementary Lives

    1. Thanks! It's going to be interesting to see how it goes when introducing it. I'm up for the challenge!
